Urban agriculture, one tomato at a time : a tale of researching home gardens

In recent years, urban agriculture has aroused growing interest for public authorities, but also for researchers. However, home vegetable gardens are still largely neglected by the latter, despite being the most common form in cities.

The research project Assessment of urban agriculture as a green infrastructure for individual and collective resilience in the face of climate and social change aimed to contribute to the acquisition of more knowledge on home vegetable gardens and to answer how they could be a tool in the fight against food insecurity, for ecological transition and the development of resilient cities.

The comic strip “Urban agriculture, one tomato at a time : a tale of researching home gardens” is the story of this research carried out on individual vegetable gardens over four years in the Montreal region . You will discover the importance they represent for food production, for the healthy and greener cities, but also for gardeners.

In industrialized countries, urban agriculture is positioned at the crossroads of different movements asking for change in the globalized food system, food function of cities or for social, environmental and food justice. Diversity in urban agriculture initiatives makes it a vast field of research.

In recent years, urban agriculture has aroused growing interest for public authorities, but also for researchers. However, home vegetable gardens are still largely neglected by the latter, despite being the most common form in cities.

The research project Assessment of urban agriculture as a green infrastructure for individual and collective resilience in the face of climate and social change aimed to contribute to the acquisition of more knowledge on home vegetable gardens and to answer how they could be a tool in the fight against food insecurity, for ecological transition and the development of resilient cities.

The comic strip “Urban agriculture, one tomato at a time : a tale of researching home gardens” is the story of this research carried out on individual vegetable gardens over four years in the Montreal region . You will discover the importance they represent for food production, for the healthy and greener cities, but also for gardeners.

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Eric Duchemin (5 novembre 2021). Urban agriculture, one tomato at a time : a tale of researching home gardens. AgriUrbain. Consulté le 8 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/aui9

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