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Catégorie : History

Histoire des jardins communautaires de Montréal [vidéo] 0

Histoire des jardins communautaires de Montréal [vidéo]

Une capsule de 10 minutes de l’émission télé “La semaine verte” (Radio-Canada) sur l’histoire des jardins communautaires de Montréal. Eric DucheminDirecteur scientifique et formation du Laboratoire sur l’agriculture urbaine (AULAB)More Posts – Website

Historical Urban Agriculture : Food Production and Access to Land in Swedish Towns before 1900

Historical Urban Agriculture : Food Production and Access to Land in Swedish Towns before 1900

This doctoral thesis analyses the role of historical urban agriculture in a long-time perspective, through a combination of overarching surveys of Swedish towns and detailed studies of one town – Uppsala in east-central Sweden. The study shows how ag…

HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW? (jardin de la victoire – Londre)

HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW? (jardin de la victoire – Londre)

Several night shots of blazing London during blitz.

Young boy riding small three wheeler through the street. Flowers growing on London blitz site. Young boy crosses blitz site. He arrives to a garden. Children working on allotments on blitz site. Various shots of the children working in garden. Several good shots of vegetables in allotment and after being dug up. Children keeping rabbits. Several good shots of the rabbits. Children taking their vegetables home.

Ministry of Agriculture Allotment and Garden Guides – 1945

Ministry of Agriculture Allotment and Garden Guides – 1945

12 monthly Guides published in 1945 by the Ministry of Agriculture at their wartime base at the Berri Court Hotel, in Lytham St. Annes, Lancashire. I have finally found and published the August Guide to complete the series. As far as I can tell, this is the only complete series available. It surprises me that these leaflets are so scarce.

Victory Gardens Handbook of the Victory Garden Committee – 1944

Victory Gardens Handbook of the Victory Garden Committee – 1944

The Victory Garden movement and its significance in our wartime economy, both as a means of releasing food to our armed forces and of improving the nutritional status of civilians can be appreciated only by those who study the statistics and translate them into homely, every-day meaning. When we hear that Americans produced eight million tons of vegetables last year in home gardens, a quantity which was one-fourth of the entire vegetable production of the nation, it can be seen readily what would have been the state of civilian nutrition if the Victory Garden had not functioned.

Summerside’s War Effort During WWII

Summerside’s War Effort During WWII

In the spring of 1943, the Health League of Canada started to promote “Victory Gardens.” It linked the growing of vegetables to good nutrition, which could provide “the maximum amount of pep and energy to do our wartime jobs.” The other benefit to growing produce in home gardens was the country’s increased ability to ship important farm crops to Great Britain.

Victory Gardens: Old Ideas for a New World

Victory Gardens: Old Ideas for a New World

I’ve been doing some research, and have discovered that during both world wars, victory gardens were planted in private homes and public spaces across North America, the UK and Australia to reduce the pressure that war placed on the public food supply. Gardeners were empowered by their labour contribution, and communities were rewarded with beautiful, local produce. In fact, these victory gardens produced almost half of all the produce that was consumed during the war years. While indirectly supporting the war effort, these gardens also provided a morale boost for the communities who nurtured them.